1-847-996-9319 The Best way to win Charter business

The Best way to win Charter business

Branding Branding Branding. Icon Image has shown many bus companies how to enhance their individual fleets. Do not be fooled that a moving billboard will not get attention. The average bus travels 60,000 miles a year and passes hundreds of thousands of people on the roadways. Your image is who you are.

The facts are that more and more large corporations are getting shuttle services and they are requesting bus companies to wrap their individual brands on the coaches. The facts are it works and can increase the amount of revenue you make on the shuttle service. Do not be afraid of charging for 1 day in the front and 1 day in the back to the client. Typical 5 day charter with wrap can net you $1,900 a day plus the cost of the wrap. 

Tell the staff that Anthony sent you and buy with confidence. 


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